Vilkår og betingelser

1. Rules regarding modification of the website and safety conditions
The User acknowledges that by using the website he accepts its Terms and Conditions. Content available on the website can be modified by the administrators without informing the users about it in advance.

The user using the resources and practicality of the website is obliged to not use the applications, devices and to perform actions which can damage the website, cause a break in its functioning or deprivation of the content.

2. Order and delivery
The user can set up a free account on the website which allows to order product and services available. If the user does not have an account, he/she can order a product as a guest.

To order a product one must:

• Enter the product or service page.
• Fill out the online order form.
• Accept the Website Terms and Conditions.
• Choose the form of payment and delivery.

The owner of the website reserves that completing the form incorrectly, he has the right to cancel such order without giving reason.

All of the prices on the website include VAT but do not include delivery costs. Delivery costs are different for different products and services. They are provided in the summary of the order. Please remember that the time of delivery provided on the website is an estimate, therefore it can be different from the actual date of delivery of the ordered package.

3. Contract of sale
The products and services available on the site are offered on a distance selling basis, which means that the buyer can withdraw from the sales agreement without giving any reason. Withdrawal from the contract is possible within 14 days from receing the package. In case of withdrawal from the Contract of sale, the buyer has to send back the product to the seller on his own expense.

4. Forms of payment
Available forms of payment for products and services available on the website:
• By credit or debit card.
• By bank transfer.
• Using the Pay Pal system.
• In cash, on delivery.

5. Complaints

In legally justified cases, the buyer has the right to file a complaint about the products and services. Each complaint has to be processed within 14 days from the application. No answer for the complaint in the given deadline means default acceptation of the buyer’s compaint.

6. „Cookies” policy
a. “Cookiesare text files used on the website, IT data that store usersdevices.
b. “Cookiescan be used for marketing, statistical or website-related purposes.
c. “Cookiescollected on the website do not contain the user’s personal data.
d. The user may deletecookiesusing the options available on the browser installed on the user’s end device.
e. DeletingCookiesmay result in the loss of some functionalities of the website.

7. Liability
Parties are responsible within the frames indicated by Terms and Conditions of using the website.

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