Politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) went into effect 25th of May 2018.

According to mandatory legal provisions, personal data are information of identified or possible to indentify individual. In case of using the website it is mostly: IP address of your device; URL address of the request, domain name, device identifier, browser type, browser language, amount of clicks, amount of time spent on given websites, date and time of using the services, type and version of the operating system, display resolution, data gathered in system log and other similar information.

Personal data can be saved in cookie files installed on our websites and devices used by the user when making use of our services.

Every browser determines its own settings regarding cookie files. It also concerns version of the browser prepared for mobile devices. In many cases, allowing cookies is a default option. However user can turn off this option completely or on a specified level limit receiving these files. Turning off the option to receive cookie files can have impact on the comfort of using the websites, and in some rare cases make it impossible.

Information about users is taken from sources such as:

  1. The information allowing computer’s identification, in the form of cookie text file, can be stored intermittently while visting the website. Using cookie files can facilitate the need to introduce the password frequently. User can turn off the option of receiving cookie files in his/her browser at any moment. Turning off this function can cause certain impediment in using the websites.

  2. IP numbers of computers are gathered in access logs. Gathered data are used for administrative purposes and also during statistics analyses of users.

  3. Data given during on-line registration are gathered in target data base in order to perform the service. After the date of the visit the data are deleted automatically. Part of the data is used for statistic analysis of users.

  4. While using any forms or registration in website’s services, user will be asked for data explicitly. Data are gathered for starting the service and for statistic purposes. User has the right to an insight and edition of data provided by himself/herself. At any moment user can apply for expunction his/her data and turning off the service.

Personal data processing can happen only based on legal foundation and only until such foundation will be in force.

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